

Ever since its foundation, our school has never ceased to reflect on its own approaches to learning, its learning goals and how best to achieve them. Our innovative approaches to learning draw from the latest research in the field of cognitive science and is inspired by the creativity of our pedagogical teams. 

Photo de deux élèves lisant ensemble à l'École Jeannine Manuel de Lille

Reading and writing fluently in both English and French from an early age are essential pedagogical priorities at our school.

Photo d'élèves en laboratoire à l'École Jeannine Manuel de Paris

Find out more about our science and math program inspired by renowned researchers such as Georges Charpak.

Photo de la méthode Dong Dong Dong pour apprendre le chinois

Our goal is to give our students the tools to live, work, and communicate effectively wherever they are in the world. 

Elèves en cours d'anglais et levant la main

We define bilingualism as the ability to express oneself in French or in English, orally or in writing, with native ease and effectiveness.

Reading and writing in both English and French from an early age are school priorities.

Photo d'élèves en laboratoire à l'École Jeannine Manuel de Paris

Find out more about our innovative science and math program inspired by renowned researchers such as Georges Charpak.

Elèves en cours de chinois avec masques traditionnels chinois

Our goal is to give our students the tools to live, work, and communicate with their friends or future colleagues wherever they are in the world. 

We define bilingualism as the ability to express oneself in French or in English, orally or in writing, with native ease and compelling effectiveness. 

Photo d'un enseignant à l'École Jeannine Manuel de Paris

An exceptional team

Our pedagogical excellence comes from the creativity and dedication of our pedagogical teams.