Best lycée in France for the 8th consecutive year

Best lycée in France for the 8th consecutive year

École Jeannine Manuel ranked best lycée in France

For the eighth consecutive year, École Jeannine Manuel (Paris) is ranked best lycée in France by L’Internaute and École Jeannine Manuel (Lille) is ranked third in France by L’Express. École Jeannine Manuel (Lille) is also ranked second in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais by L’Internaute.

Proud of our students and teachers

In this altered landscape, we are especially proud of our students’ creativity, their curiosity, and their talent. We are proud of our teachers’ dedication to their students’ personal wellbeing and academic growth. Most importantly, we are proud of our school’s community spirit, undaunted by the exceptional challenge we face together.

Photo d'élèves du lycée en cours à l'École Jeannine Manuel de Paris

In this altered landscape, we are especially proud of our students’ creativity, their curiosity, and their talent. We are proud of our teachers’ dedication to their students’ personal wellbeing and academic growth. Most importantly, we are proud of our school’s community spirit, undaunted by the exceptional challenge we face together.

Baccalaureates and results

Students finish their secondary studies by either sitting the French Baccalaureate exam with an international option (OIB) or the International Baccalaureate (IB).