International and national day against bullying 2020

International and national day against bullying 2020

Dare to Care, Dare to Share

On November 5, 2020, École Jeannine Manuel took part in the National & International Day Against Bullying in Schools, an issue affecting almost 1 in 3 children worldwide, and 1 in 10 students in France. Scroll down to see all of the resources for the day!

United against bullying in all its forms

Ecole Jeannine Manuel marked this day in the collège and lycée by inviting every student and staff member to wear ribbons of different colors on their wrists. Each color represents a different form of bullying in schools – physical, verbal, racist or religion-based, homophobic or gender-based, and cyber – tied together to symbolize our solidarity with anyone who has been bullied or excluded for any reason. We must all Dare to Share & Dare to Care!

Resources against bullying

For parents

See the list of recommended reading put together by the library by clicking here.

The English Department has also compiled a specific reading list.

The Ministry of Education’s website offers many resources relating to how to deal with bullying in schools :

This dedicated website also offers resources specifically for parents :

The e-Enfance website provides resources for parents on the topic of cyberbullying:

This English language website is dedicated to cyber-bullying :

This Australian website offers useful advice on raising children and on how to deal with cyberbullying:

For collège and lycée

See the list of recommended reading put together by the library by clicking here.

The English Department has also compiled a specific reading list.

The Ministry of Education’s website offers many resources relating to how to deal with bullying:

The Respect Zone website offers many resources and tools against cyber-bullying :

Advice for teenagers dealing with cyber-bullying or with other internet-related issues: The website also has a contact form to ask for help or advice from the Net Ecoute team:

The Stand Up International website helps those who want to take a a stand against street harassment. The website also offers online training for victims or witnesses, in order to help them react:

How to become a Ministry of Education ambassador:

How to participate in the concours “Non au harcèlement” 2020-2021:

4e7 Press has made a “Guide to Bullying” that you can view by clicking here.

For younger children

See the list of recommended reading put together by the library by clicking here.

The English Department has also compiled a specific reading list.

Excellent video introduction to this issue made by Pixar:

Short video on the subject of being differently-abled:

Video clip of the “Choose Respect” song by Andy and the Odd Socks :

Short clips explaining the definition of bullying, cyber-bullying, and the different laws surrounding it:

Helplines & hotlines

SOS Racisme : 01 40 35 36 55

SOS Homophobie : 01 48 06 42 41

Enfance en Danger : 119

Net Ecoute (cyber-harcèlement) : 0800 200 000

Non au Harcèlement : 3020

Our students are taking action...

A message from your peer leaders

Video message from our school's pear leaders to their classmates on November 5th 2020, the national & international day against bullying.

Poster "Parles-En" Concours 2019

Des élèves de seconde ont remporté le prix Coup de Cœur de l'académie de Paris pour leur affiche "Ensemble, Tournons La Page" créée pour le Prix "Non au harcèlement" 2018-2019.
Affiche créée par des élèves de l'École Jeannine Manuel dans le cadre de la lutte contre le harcèlement en milieu scolaire

Vidéo "Non Au Harcèlement 2018"

Ronan Geoffroy, William Boucher, Thallia El Haddad et Diya Badami, ont remporté un prix honorifique du jury pour leur contribution lors de la remise des prix académiques "Non au harcèlement" 2018.

And our teachers too!